An Introduction to Spiral Dynamics

integral/spiral dynamics Jan 20, 2020

I first met Jon Freeman in 2010 when I participated in one of his training programs on Spiral Dynamics.  I so enjoyed the experience, and I took the insights gained into both my leadership development practice within Police Scotland and into my personal life too.  What I enjoyed was his explanations of how theory maps the interplay between the psychological, the biological, the sociological, and the cultural/organisational.   Jon also spoke about how the depth and breadth of understanding that Spiral Dynamics offers explains how we interact and adapt to what is happening in our lives. 

In our first conversation, Jon introduces us to the Spiral and gives a beginning insight into each of the stages.   He briefly gives insight into the way that Spiral Dynamics brings clarity to our evolutionary, cultural and individual development.  Jon is a master at keeping it simple when the potential for complexity lurks within, what I consider to be, a profound explanation of the nature of being human.  

Jon’s introduction to Spiral Dynamics lays the ground for our second conversation with him about how this approach can help us explore this emerging life cycle stage of Active Wisdom.

Jon is a trainer, acknowledged expert, and podcast guest on the subject of Spiral Dynamics and its applications for agile and next-stage organisational development. He has written two well-received non-fiction books as well as articles in a variety of collections and journals.  As a founder director of the Conscious Capitalism UK chapter, he works with others to promote and develop conscious, multiple bottom-line, and ethical approaches to business.  His newest venture is an online training in intuition skills and ways to consciously create your reality.  You can find further information through this link


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